Home Visiting Service
Home visiting service available. All visits are bulk-billed if referral is via Mental Health Care Plan.
The service is primarily for clients who might find it difficult to access services in their community.
Referrals are not able to be accepted where there is primary concern about alcohol or other drug dependence, significant risk of suicide/self-harm or violence in the home, or where concerns about other risks to safety exist.
The service is primarily for clients who might find it difficult to access services in their community.
- Adjustment to significant changes in health/ageing/life circumstances
- Pain management
- Engagement in treatment/treatment compliance; lifestyle change
- Mood or anxiety concerns; grief/loss; carer stress
Referrals are not able to be accepted where there is primary concern about alcohol or other drug dependence, significant risk of suicide/self-harm or violence in the home, or where concerns about other risks to safety exist.